Giovanni F. Accolla, Franco Cardini, Domenico Del Nero, Giordano Bruno Gherri, Gennaro Malgieri, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Mirella Serri, Marcello Veneziani.

Giovanni F. Accolla, Franco Cardini, Domenico Del Nero, Giordano Bruno Gherri, Gennaro Malgieri, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Mirella Serri, Marcello Veneziani.
"Sio ombi, lakini shukrani kwa Mario Bozzi Sentieri kwa kunikumbusha kitabu kizuri cha Wagner The Nibelungen, ambacho pia ni sahani yangu ya rangi, ambayo inataka kutoa heshima sio tu kwa mtunzi mkuu, lakini pia kwa Liszt na wengine.Kujitolea (fr. Baudelaire) kwa mwandishi wa "Barua Nzuri za Mwanadamu" (fra Baudelaire), Lo Gatto alikuwa Mjerumani bora mwanzoni mwa kazi yake kama mwandishi wa insha na mwalimu, lakini sifa yake ilikuwa ya juu kuliko ile ya mwandishi wa Kirusi. .
Mkusanyiko: Ninataka wasomaji wa Totalità wajue kuwa mimi pia nipo kupitia kitabu kilichochapishwa hivi karibuni "Tower cranes of Alexander Rodchenko and the line summae tenuitatis" kilichochapishwa kwenye Campanotto huko Udine, lakini ninaenda kwenye ukurasa huu kwa Wagnerian majestic na kuangazwa na taa zisizozimika.
Inanikumbusha kwamba labda ushawishi huu wa kushangaza usioelezeka, hauonekani kabisa (muziki na fasihi ambayo sikusoma shuleni), nilijikuta peke yangu katika jumba la kifahari huko Bayreuth.Katika chumba kilicho chini nilitazama mifano ya rangi na yenye mwanga.kwingineko ya bwana Leipzig, kwa uangalifu uleule niliolipa kwa diorama za plastiki nzuri (hakuna jambo dogo!), liko kila mahali katika treni hii ya ajabu ya Teutonia Maerklin au Fleischmann.
Miundo sahihi ya mizani hadi maelezo madogo kabisa ni falsafa halisi ya Wajerumani, labda walikuwa wakijaribu kufanya mtiririko wa Ville kuu usiwe wa kushangaza kwa sauti ndogo, ya kupendeza na ya kupendeza ya Vorstellungen.
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Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5000 to EUR 500.000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5000 to EUR 500.000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Your menu of the month This is the most long-awaited personal offer. Complete your projects without any financial loss. This can be done by filling out a loan application on that day. Provide credit as needed. Letter of credit received without guarantee. You will receive a loan without detailing your project. Select the amount of your choice, from EUR 5,000 to EUR 500,000.00 Your request will be verified at 24:00. Didier Gomesse at

Muda wa kutuma: Jan-26-2023